The hidden war on the automotive front

“Sustainable development” and “climate neutrality”; these phrases will determine the future of the automotive industry. But doesn’t the future deprive us of choice? We are talking about the future of the automotive industry, which, although …

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How the Pandemic Drives the ecommerce Boom

Online B2B ecommerce business will grow by more than 70%. The pandemic significantly accelerates the growth of B2C and B2B e-commerce, according to reports. What is projected for the future of the B2B sector is …

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How COP26 Decisions Affect the Automotive Sector

COP26 (Key countries and car manufacturers are absent in the global emissions agreement, where the behemoths of the global car industry – the US, China and Germany – all declined to sign) showed the world …

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Are metals the new oil?

Inspired by Goldman Sachs report from 2021 – “Copper is the new oil.” Carmakers plan to invest nearly US$515 billion in electric car production by the end of the decade. According to a study by …

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What Are the Clouds that Make Up the Automotive Storm?

Oxford Languages’ dry definition of a storm reads “a bad situation caused by a combination of adverse factors”. Unfortunately for carmakers, something similar to storm has been happening to their business in recent months. The …

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Eco Treats for the Aftermarket

In recent years, the public’s desire for long-term eco-policies, change of consciousness and increased desire for environmental protection has been growing. This is due to several factors such as more understanding of global warming and …

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